Monday, August 25, 2014


We have had a lot of changes going on around our house lately.  Obviously, pregnancy has been huge!!! Starting to think about adding another member to our family of three is exciting and scary all at the same time.
Another big thing is my job.  If you remember, I posted back in June about my last day at YMLA. You can read that post here.

When I posted that, I didn't really know what the future held for us.  My hope was that an elementary counselor position in the district would become available and I would be able to go work there part-time this fall.  That is really what Aaron and I had been hoping for all summer.  When August hit, and the counselor, whose job I might be taking, still hadn't secured a full-time position elsewhere, Aaron and I began really thinking about the possibilities. 

Like everyone else, money is always a concern.  If money were no object, I really think Aaron would have insisted after J was born I quit and just stay home.  However, money is a pretty big thing, so thankfully the last two years we have been blessed by me working part-time at a pretty amazing school.  Has it been perfect? No, but what situation is.  Has it been stressful? Absolutely.  You can't be a school counselor full-time or part-time and not have a pretty major set of  responsibilities weighing on your shoulders.  All that to say, I had a great job that was part-time, yet in many ways had full-time responsibilities.

So here I stand for the first time in 9 years with no home campus.  And it is weird.  Really weird.  I don't have anyone in an educational setting depending on me to show up and perform a duty whether it be running a classroom of seventh graders or taking care of the basic responsibilities of a school counselor. 

Would I love to be a stay at home mom?  Who wouldn't?   Well, there might be some women that would prefer to work.  However, I know that my family needs me to work if just in a part-time position.  So I am now in finding a part-time job mode.  I have some possibilities that I am hoping will work out.  I have applied to tutor and do some substitute teaching.  My hope is to work on the days J is at school. 

Until then, I will be a stay at home mom with no responsibility to a campus.  It may only be for about 3 or 4 weeks until the school year gets rolling, but I am going to enjoy this little space of time. 
With the new baby coming and not feeling so great all summer, my house needs an overhaul!!!
I hope to get our house more organized and baby ready.  I also hope to have lunch with a few friends I didn't get to have lunch with this summer because well you know why.

Happy First Day of School from a New (Sort of ) Stay at Home Mom that doesn't quite no what to do with herself!!!!


  1. That is both exciting and scary. Enjoy your time and continue to trust that it will workout.

  2. That is a big change!! I hope that you and J enjoy the time together :) I haven't worked since Nolan was born, and it's still strange, haha.

  3. Hopefully a PT job will open up soon for you so you have something more permanent. How are you feeling today?

  4. I'm glad you are feeling well enough to enjoy your time away from work for a while!
